

Zoom is a supported audio/videoconferencing platform for Gies College of Business virtual meetings. You can also use Microsoft Teams for internal meetings, but Zoom provides more functionality and is easier for remote and non-university participants.

All Gies employees and students have access to Zoom Pro accounts at illinois.zoom.us.

Zoom is also available on iOS and Android.

Zoom FAQs
How do I create Zoom meetings in Outlook?

Zoom for Outlook (allows you to schedule Zoom meetings directly from Outlook)

How do I keep my Zoom sessions secure?

As Zoom usage has grown, a new risk has emerged where unknown persons join unsecured Zoom meetings and cause disruptions. This is a serious threat and has impacted several universities, including Illinois.

To combat this, faculty and staff should modify any  existing Zoom meetings (created prior to March 31, 2020) to require a password that is shared with attendees. Only the meeting organizer can make changes to existing invitations. Once you have added a password to your meeting, Zoom will create a new link that will look like the old link, with an encrypted version of the password appended.

You will need to either provide the password or the new link to your attendees ahead of the meeting. You can send the new link and/or password via email or update your course page.

Starting March 31, 2020, all newly created Zoom meetings will require a password by default. You should keep this default setting to ensure participant experience and safety. You can continue to share the link (including the encrypted password) with your participants as you did before. Zoom meeting links and passwords should not be posted on public-facing websites.

If you use Zoom for virtual walk-in meetings by using the waiting room feature, a password is not required as you are manually allowing participants into the meeting.

The full process to manually modify your Zoom meeting settings to improve security is described at go.illinois.edu/ZoomSecurity.

The University faculty senate also has guidance on using Zoom at https://www.senate.illinois.edu/zoom_security.asp

How can I get help with Zoom?

Have a question about how to do something in Zoom? We have established the Remote Work Technology channel on Microsoft Teams. This space is intended to ask general how-to questions about remote work technology.