Gies Technology Advisory Committee (GTAC)

Purpose and Scope

The Gies Technology Advisory Committee (GTAC) is charged by the Dean and the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Programs and serves as a collegewide advisory committee to provide strategic insight and advice to college leadership related to the Gies academic technology portfolio, including lifecycle, implementation, assessment, and procurement. Final decision rights rest with the Dean, in consultation with the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Associate Dean of Finance & Administration, and Chief Information Officer.

The academic technology portfolio is defined as those technologies that support learning product development, delivery, and assessment, learner support, instructor support, stakeholder relationship management, and academic program administration. Academic technologies to be used at large scale and/or across multiple units and technologies that have similar function to currently supported technologies are specifically within scope. Technologies specifically out-of-scope include administrative tools unrelated to academic programs, research technologies and datasets, and technologies being explored by the Gies Disruption and Innovation unit.


GTAC's responsibilities include:

  • Evaluating and recommending the adoption of new academic technology and retirement of existing technologies according to college needs, data privacy and security, accessibility, and financial implications
  • Developing and maintaining a roadmap of technology implementation and retirement that aligns with college strategic goals and provides accurate financial forecasting
  • Developing and maintaining a catalog of the full technology portfolio used in the delivery of Gies learning products, including purpose, cost, contract status, scope/scale, and evaluation mechanisms
  • Developing and maintaining a full process for new technology proposals and existing technology evaluation that ensures that unit needs are addressed
  • Developing and maintaining a lightweight process for new technology exploration and testing
  • Developing a new technology impact assessment to determine potential value, implementation limitations, compatibility with the entire learning technology portfolio, and impact on college units


GTAC will have broad representation across the academic programs and departments that comprise the Gies academic enterprise.

  • IT Partners will be represented by the Chief Information Officer, who will serve as chair, and the Associate Director of Data Strategy and Analytics.
  • Teaching & Learning will be represented by the Associate Director of Teaching & Learning Technology
  • Academic Programs will be represented by three to four individuals chosen by the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
  • Academic Departments will be represented by two faculty members chosen by the Executive Associate Dean for Faculty and Research.

Membership will be reviewed at the beginning of each academic year.

Committee Support

GTAC will be supported as needed by IT Partners operations and project management staff and finance staff from the Dean's Office.


This committee will start in May, 2023, and continue until disbanded by the Dean. 

Current GTAC Membership