Digital Signage
Digital signs serve as effective marketing, way finding, and information elements in our facilities and office spaces.
IT Partners provides, manages, and supports all digital signage in BIF, Wohlers, and Irwin. Unit staff manage content on signs located in their units, while content on general area signs is managed by the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Digital Signage FAQs
How do I update my digital sign?
It depends on your digital sign needs. If you only need to have a static slide rotation, we can provide a Box folder for you to manage the slides. If your needs are more complex, you may have to submit changes to the IT Partners Help Desk.
Our unit would like to add a digital sign. How do we get one?
Contact Steve Hess at for a digital sign consultation. He will determine your needs and give you a cost estimate for equipment and installation. All installation and purchase costs are the responsibility of the unit. There is no cost for the digital sign service itself.
Our digital sign isn't working? How do we get help?
Please contact us at with any issues with your digital sign(s).