Wordmark Guidelines

The wordmark is a valuable and visible asset. To be effective, is must be used consistently and held to the standards in this guideline.

Wordmark Use

The University of Illinois directs formal use of the wordmark. The current wordmark is the Block I with specific spacing, alignment, colors, and fonts. The wordmark helps identify Gies College of Business for audiences both on and off campus.

The wordmark should appear on everything: ads, marketing materials, web pages, business cards, signs, clothing, etc. To ensure correct implementation, all use of the wordmark on external communication and/or marketing materials must be created and approved by the Office of Marketing & Communications (MarCom). Internal communication (for faculty/staff) does not need to be created by MarCom, but MarCom must be consulted to ensure the appropriate wordmark is used.

Units are not permitted to create their own wordmarks. Only units represented on the Chancellor’s Senior Leadership Council and other noted additions deemed appropriate by the chancellor will have a wordmark, which will be designed and given to units by StratCom.

Wordmark Types

Gies College of Business with University of Illinois

The University of Illinois name is used with the Gies College of Business name when connection with the university is important or necessary, or with audiences that are not familiar with Gies Business.

Example: some initial prospective recruitment materials

University of Illinois should be used only when it will be legible. It should NOT be used for digital or social media.

Gies Wordmarks with UIUC

Gies College of Business

This is used as our primary wordmark and when connection with the university is obvious.

Examples: unit/program materials, admitted materials, presentations, etc.

Gies Wordmark with full name

Gies Business

This shorter version of the College name is used with audiences that are more familiar with Gies Business: current students, faculty, and staff. The version with the line should be used when possible. An alternate version without the line is available only if the line becomes illegible due to size.

Examples: merchandise, environmental branding, VBB, internal materials, etc.

Gies Wordmark with short name

Illinois Gies

This is used for recognition as Illinois Gies in alignment with peers (Indiana Kelley, Michigan Ross) and for reputation management in situations when we might be shown or listed with peers. 

Examples: Ads (digital or print), when submitting a wordmark as part of an ad buy

Brand Style Guide Wordmark Example - Illinois Gies white
Brand Style Guide Wordmark Example - Illinois Gies orange
Brand Style Guide Wordmark Example - Illinois Gies blue

Gies Icon

This icon may be used as a digital icon or on merchandise when space requires it.

Examples: Social media, merchandise

On social media, the main Gies account will be on the Illini blue background. Any unit accounts should use the Illini orange background.

Gies Style Guide Wordmark - white Gies Icon stacked vertically

Brand Style Guide - orange Gies Icon stacked vertically

Brand Style Guide - blue Gies Icon stacked vertically