Webinar Branding
Registration Page
The registration page must have a Gies-branded banner that includes the Gies wordmark. The provided template allows you to enter the title of your webinar on the banner.
Note: If the title is too long to fit the banner, and if editing it down is not an option, you may omit the title from the banner since the title is repeated below.
Hold Slide/Opening Slide
An approved, Gies-branded hold slide must be displayed at the beginning of each webinar, including the time period before it starts when people are logging in. If the webinar is being recorded, make sure that the hold slide is being displayed when recording begins so that it is captured in the recording for audiences who will be watching the webinar later.
Closing Slide
Each webinar should conclude with the Gies-branded closing slide. This slide is ideal to display while questions are being asked at the conclusion of the presentation. If the webinar is being recorded, make sure that this closing slide is also captured in the recording.
Video Bumpers

Lower Thirds
There are two different options for the lower thirds graphic. Exact placement of the graphic can be adjusted to fit each video. For example, some names will be longer than others so the centered version may need to be further from the left to accommodate the longer names. Both options also allow for the name and title to move to two lines as needed. A soft drop shadow behind the lowerthirds can be added as needed to help the wording stand out from the underlying video.