Color Palette & Typography
Primary Colors
Illini orange and Illini blue are central to our brand identity and should be the dominant colors used on all designs.
Research shows orange is the color most identified with our brand.
We encourage orange being incorporated at least as much as blue.

Secondary Colors

Supporting Colors

Altgeld orange was built to serve as an accessible option when Illini orange does not provide enough color contrast — for example, when using orange type at a small size or when orange is on light gray. It provides the appropriately accessible contrast to be inclusive of our diverse audience needs. Only use Altgeld orange to aid in meeting contrast and legibility accessibility requirements.

Typography & Usage
Choosing the right typeface sets the tone for your design while reinforcing the brand identity. To install these fonts, download them to your computer and follow the steps provided by Apple and Microsoft.
Source Sans
Body Copy
Source Sans
Stat Numbers
Chronicle Black
Limited Use
Georgia, Open Sans Condensed, and Montserrat

In rare cases where brand assets may be shared with partners or units who do not have access to appropriate brand fonts, substitutions may be used. Refer to the appropriate substitution font in the table.