Gies Groups

Gies GroupsGies Groups is our college implementation of the CampusGroups platform for engagement with undergraduate and residential graduate students.

Gies Groups is used for:

  • student communication
  • event registration
  • advising appointments
  • SRO management

All Gies students are eligible for a Gies Groups account. Faculty and staff who manage content and communication in Gies Groups are also provisioned accounts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get help with Gies Groups?

General users can email with questions about the platform.

Unit Gies Groups admins can get assistance in our ITP - Gies Groups space on Microsoft Teams. New members can request access by sending a request to

Can students outside of Gies access Gies Groups?

Students outside of Gies can register for events on Gies Groups, but are not provisioned persistent accounts.