MarCom team members with Gies letters

Rely on our team of strategic, creative, and technical experts 

The Gies Business MarCom team includes people who create communications plans and marketing strategies, manage projects, and advise units on how to best use data and marketing tactics to reach their goals. We also have staff whose expertise lies in creating content – designers, writers, videographers, web specialists, and experts in merchandise and events. Together, the MarCom team brings more than 350 years of combined experience in marketing and communications to the College.

Our process for initiating, executing, and managing projects is designed to produce the best results for your unit and the College. Each unit at Gies Business is assigned a MarCom team lead to help you plan, strategize, and initiate projects with our office. If you aren't sure who your team lead is, ask the head of your unit or email our office at

Photo wall at Gies event

Our focus

To continue meeting the growing needs of the College – particularly in light of the exponential growth of Gies Online – the MarCom team has more than doubled in size since 2018. In spite of that, there's still often more work than we have capacity to tackle. To prioritize our work, we focus on projects that fulfill the core purpose of our office:

  • Building the Gies Business reputation and brand
  • Sharing information with key Gies Business audiences
  • Generating revenue

We've also built partnerships with a small group of trusted freelancers and agencies who help us serve the College, under the management of the MarCom office.