Gies Business Research Lab
Established in January 2020, our college-wide behavioral research lab provides researchers with access to research participants, both students and non-students, dedicated research and participant management systems, study implementation support, and updated lab space.
Our priority at GBRL is to collaboratively facilitate as many behavioral projects as possible, fostering an environment that supports innovation in study design and methods. GBRL is focused on responding to the emerging needs of Gies researchers and providing tangible support and structure that leads to demonstrable excellence in data collection, analysis, and publication.

"The Gies Business Research Panel is set up to help you create new business knowledge, increase the prestige of the college and elevate your students' educational experience."
- Jessen Hobson
Participant Pools
Gies Behavioral Researchers have access to multiple diverse participant research study pools. Questions about running a study through a Gies pool? Contact GBRL at
Gies Business Research Panel
This is a dedicated participant pool of alumni, professionals and community members. Currently, there are just under 1,000 members who have access to Panel-hosted studies. Prescreen information can be used to restrict studies to eligible targeted participants. Panelists log on to their account on Sona and can directly access sign up and study links. Mass email study announcements and recruitment information can be sent to everyone in the pool or to restricted audiences.
Recruitment assistance from the GBRL is provided when running a study through the Panel platform via LinkedIn, Alumni Association, etc. Study “ads” are created for Panel studies as an additive layer of recruitment through targeted placement (by profession, orgs, geo location, memberships, title, etc.). Studies in the Panel are typically incentivized for efficient recruitment. Studies may be of any time length. Typically, studies are conducted online/via zoom.
IRB approval is required and well as completion of the GBRL Panel approval form. Study approval is rolling and studies can be added any time.
iMBA or iDegrees Pool
This is a unique professional/student pool. There are over 7,000 students that participate in a research study through this pool each year. Students are granted extra credit in a participating course for the completion of a research study. Studies should be managerially relevant and appeal to a globally diverse audience. Participants access studies through the Sona research platform and are granted course credit through Sona.
GBRL handles credit reporting and course communication, as well as assists with study set up in Sona. Studies should be approx. 25-40 minutes in length. If your study is shorter, you can work with GBRL to coordinate a chained study (tagging on with another researcher). Studies cannot be restrictive in specific eligibility requirement as there must be equal student access to credit. Must be online/via zoom.
IRB approval is required as well as an allocation application (this is available at the beginning of each term). Allocations are awarded at the start of each academic term. Students can sign up online.
General Student Pool
Participant pool primarily consisting of undergraduate students in participating Gies courses. Students are granted extra credit in a participating course for the completion of a research study. Participants access studies through the Sona research platform and are granted course credit through Sona. The Coordinator handles credit reporting and course communication, as well as assists with study set up in Sona. Studies should be approx. 40-50 minutes in length. If your study is shorter, you can work with GBRL to coordinate a chained study (tagging on with another researcher). Studies cannot be restrictive in specific eligibility requirement as there must be equal student access to credit. Studies are conducted online/via zoom or in person in the GBRL labs.
IRB approval is required as well as an allocation application (this is available at the beginning of each term). Allocations are awarded at the start of each academic term. Students can sign up online.
Funding and Support Opportunities
GBRL is focused on three main goals intended to promote Gies Innovation and Excellence in Research:
- Serve the emerging needs of behavioral researchers across the college by growing, cultivating, and maintaining participant pools.
- Support efficient and rich human subject research data collection through best practices related to recruitment, management, and incentivizing studies.
- Provide support for innovative and pioneering research methods employing new technologies and designs that expand the business relevance of Gies research.
With this in mind, GBRL is pleased to announce the following funding and support opportunities for Gies behavioral researchers. This support includes multi-use technology funding, supplemental assistance for participant incentives, and programming and research assistant help. Interested investigators can learn more about these opportunities and the application process here.
Dedicated Lab Space
Gies behavioral researchers have access to dedicated lab space designed for research study data collection. The three Wohlers Hall Labs can be scheduled for use throughout the year. For scheduling and access, please contact Jen Themanson.
Wohlers Hall, Room 24
- 31 desktops
- Privacy panels
- Proximity iCard access
- Monitor station
Wohlers Hall, Room 36
- Sound insulated retractable wall
- Privacy panels
- Flexible research space
- 26 desktops on side “A”
- 26 desktops on side “B”
- 52 total with wall opened
Wohlers Hall Behavioral Lab
- Movable tables/chairs
- Small interview/meeting rooms
- Waiting area
Additional Resources
- 24 laptops by reservation
- Accompanying chargers
- 50 over-ear headphones
- Movable partitions
Workshops and Training
Business Research Lab staff offer workshop and training opportunities to help strengthen and expand the research efforts of all faculty and students, whether they are new or experienced in business research. A set of basic training opportunities has been prepared by the staff and can be accessed online at any time, and advanced or customized training can be tailored to your research needs.
Sharon Shavitt, Co-Director, Walter H. Stellner Professor of Marketing
Jessen Hobson, Co-Director, Professor of Accountancy
Jen Themanson, Coordinator